Six Advantages of Finding the Right Law Firm SEO Expert

Many law firm partners don’t understand how SEO fits into a law firms marketing plan. There are a lot of different ways to advertise your firm online and offline which can get confusing if you don’t know what’s going to produce results.

You could choose pay-per-click (PPC) ads and social media ads to generate traffic to your website or, you could rent billboard space on the main road in your community.

Don’t Miss Out On SEO

What you miss is how cost-effective SEO services generate more inbound leads to law firm websites than paid ads generate. SEO is also cheaper than print, radio, or billboard marketing. If it’s done right, legal SEO will feed the right content to consumers where they’re searching for legal information. You want a legal SEO service that can help your digital content convert online searchers into clients.

Six Advantages of Finding the Right Law Firm SEO Services

We often get the question of how legal SEO services attract more inbound visitors to a law firm’s website. Please understand that SEO is not the same for every industry or profession. In essence, a team of web developers, software engineers, digital marketers, and writers performs different aspects of the SEO process.

Among many, we’ve selected these six advantages that clients receive from law firm SEO services, but please ensure they have experience serving your type of practice:

1. Legal SEO experts study keyword phrases that interest potential consumers. 

If you represent personal injury victims, you don’t want to target consumers who purchased a faulty car or SUV. You don’t want to post content on whether to sue your insurance company if your targets need a real estate contracts lawyer.

The goal is to not waste visitors’ time on your website. Search engine users (Googlers) could locate a lawyer by typing phrases such as “Jacksonville personal injury firm,” “Jacksonville personal injury lawyers,” and “JAX injury attorneys.” For each legal specialty in Jacksonville, there could be hundreds of combinations of keyword phrases, not just these three phrases.

For example personal injury includes specialties like medical malpractice, car accidents, dog bites, workplace accidents, and slip and falls. There will be more keyword phrases than you could target in one campaign. You want to target keyword phrases that bring site visitors to your personal injury law firm.

2. Legal SEO experts study how prospects behave when they get to your website.

Imagine the many metrics your law firm website could track based on prospect behavior. We analyze how a firm’s content performs according to these metrics and many more:

3. Legal SEO experts plan how to post regular content on your firm’s behalf on different social media channels.

Legal SEO services generate legitimate inbound links through content posted on a law firm’s website. For example, you create a series of blog posts about recent accidents in your city of Buffalo. You could post one piece per accident.

If a reader learned how the victims were seriously injured in the accident on a familiar road, she might share it on her blog, website, or social media network. Then, the people who visit the same URL will follow the inbound link, which leads to your personal injury website.

Once visitors find your site or blog, they can also locate your firm’s address and hours of operation. Each person who finds your legal service through a third-party link serves to increase your site’s ranking with Google and other search engines.

4. Legal SEO experts optimize your content for posting on other sites and platforms.

Each type of content that your marketing people prepare will be posted on multiple marketing channels. We call this content distribution. For example, you may want guest blog posts, ads, photos, infographics, and advertorials to appear on partner sites.

These will redirect visitors to your website, blog, or “special offer” page. Or, you have a micro video made by your employees, but it requires different formatting for sharing on each channel (i.e. YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and the company blog).


5. Legal SEO experts ensure your website has the right automated features to accommodate inbound users.   

Your business operates in a larger industry where people share interests in common technologies, products, services, materials, and issues. For example, we analyze which of your contacts in the community send traffic to your site.

Honestly, they may not be sending any traffic, but then your legal SEO partner should help them use cross-marketing techniques to attract the right prospects to your marketing pipeline. Each business owner or service provider in your geographic region is a potential source of more inbound traffic. Without a solid technical foundation, prospects will arrive at your website and do nothing. With automated site features (triggered by SEO tools tailored to law firms), your prospects instantly get many benefits like these:

All this can happen if you have legal support professionals ready to support customers using the web as their preferred source of information.

6. Legal SEO experts perform site content reviews each month.

SEO experts are professional marketers. They analyze whether your website content continues to perform (based on website metrics and relevance). For example, your legal blog may report on cases that you won three years ago, and your recent post may focus on legal issues without describing your work or showing how you’ve helped newer clients. Some content should be removed, and other content could be re-optimized to target the newest sets of legal keywords. What generates the most search engine traffic will change from month to month based on consumer patterns and other marketing trends.

We want to help you understand how legal SEO supports your digital marketing plan. Don’t choose a service that does not specialize in lawyers and the specific needs of their clients.